Robert P. Bobrick – Candidate for NY City Council District 3

Robert P. Bobrick – Candidate for NY City Council District 3

Robert P. Bobrick is the Republican candidate running for NY City Council District 3 in Manhattan. Robert is a retired history teacher, who taught in Brooklyn high schools. He has a B.A. from Columbia College in Chinese language and culture and taught ESL and history in Japan.

In 2010-2011 he served as chair of the Board of Trustees of the Community Church of New York.

In 2021-2022, he co-led the parents’ campaign to force Success Academy charter schools to withdraw their vaccine/testing mandates for students.

In 2022, he ran for State Sentate District 47 to secure the fundamental, God-given rights of medical freedom, bodily autonomy and informed consent for all New Yorkers.

Robert was born in the West Village, New York City. His father’s family immigrated from Eastern Europe to Brooklyn in the early 20th century, and his mother’s family settled in the New York area in pre-revolutionary times. His parents were original tenants of the Mutual Redevelopment Houses (Penn South), where he still lives with his wife, Jiehong.

For more information or to get in touch with Robert, go to